产品应用: 1、户外照明:外缘照明、装饰建筑物装饰照明、标志照明、指示牌、用于路径和轮廓标志、水下工程照明; 2、广告招牌:广告字的背光源、超薄灯箱、发光字、发光招牌等; 3、室内装饰:高档专卖店、商场等室内商业气氛照明,汽车装饰、走廊照明、楼梯照明、隐藏位置照明、家居装饰照明、室内暗槽、橱窗装饰等。 Application: 1、Outdoor lighting: lighting to the outer decoration building decorative lighting sign lighting lighting signs used to mark paths and contour underwater engineering. 2、Advertising signs, advertising word back ultra-thin light box lighting word luminous signs, etc. 3、Interior decoration: high-end boutique stores of indoor lighting, commercial atmosphere of cars decorated corridor lighting home decoration lighting indoor stair illumination hidden position dark slot window decoration, etc. 注意事项: 1、电源线粗细应该根据实际可能出现的最大电流,产品功率布线长度(建议不要超过10m)以及低压传输线损而定。 2、灯带两端出线处应做好防水处理。 3、严禁静电触摸,带电作业。 4、本灯带最多可以串接10m,严禁超串接。 5、建议使用合格的开关电源(带短路保护,过低保护,超载保护)。 6、本产品可在带有“剪刀口”符号的链接处剪开,不影响其功能。 Notes: 1、The power cord thickness should be based on the actual possible maximum current, product power wiring length (and not more than 10 m) and low voltage transmission line loss and decide. 2、Lamp with double-ended place should do waterproof processing. 3、It is forbidden to electrostatic touch, charged homework. 4、This lamp with up to 10 m, prohibit overheating concatenated. 5、mend the use of qualified switching power supply (with short circuit protection, low protection, overload protection). 6、This product can be in with a scissors to cut open mouth symbolic links, do not affect its function. |